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Eligibility and Application Process 

Frequently Asked Questions

阅读下面的内容,找到一些最常见的问题的答案 eligibility and the application process.

华人博彩论坛致力于确保所有合格的学生都有 平等获得学术和非学术课程,并能充分参与 all aspects of student life. 的 goal of the Center for 可访问性 资源 is 为了给有残疾记录的学生创造一个平等的机会环境, 包括:

  • learning and attention disorders
  • psychiatric disabilities
  • mobility impairments
  • sensory impairments
  • chronic health impairments

为了获得针对您的残疾的服务,您必须出示文件(见 从持牌和/或认证的专业人员到中心主任 for 可访问性 资源. This documentation is used to develop appropriate and reasonable accommodations and should be within the last three years.

在从高中到大学的过渡中,你会发现一件不同的事情是 that you are responsible for initiating requests for accommodations. It is important 你明白你的权利和责任作为一个学生有文件 disability, as well as those of this University. 请 review these pages and contact 无障碍资源中心的主任,如果你有任何问题

根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)和康复法案第504条 1973年颁布的法案,残疾人受到保护,不受歧视 服务和住宿,提供平等的机会参加活动和节目 of this University. To establish that an individual is qualified to receive disability 服务,文档必须表明残疾实质上限制了专业 生活活动.

Disability documentation submitted must:

  • 是最近的,相关的,全面的,并且,在适当的地方,包含考试成绩 and interpretation (e.g., learning disability reports, audiograms, etc.).
  • Demonstrate a substantial impact on one or more major life activities.
  • 表明影响是当前的、稳定的还是波动的 fluctuate over time may require more recent documentation).
  • 根据现行条例,充分核实残疾的性质和程度 professional standards and techniques.
  • 清楚地证明学生所有住宿要求的必要性.
  • 由有资格的医疗专业人员(如教育诊断专家)提供; psychologist, psychiatrist, and/or physician. A prescription note from a physician is not a comprehensive evaluation of a student's disability.
  • 注明日期和签名,并包括申请人的姓名、头衔和专业证书 evaluator, including information about license or certification.

因为提供住宿的过程包括评估你的具体需求 课程和/或校园生活情况,有必要回顾和修改你的 accommodation plan on a semester-by-semester basis. All accommodation requests must 及时提交——学生应开始制定住宿计划 process immediately after admission to the college.

注意:有关基于残疾类型的特定文档政策,请联系 the director of the Center for 可访问性 资源 to receive these forms.


No. 法律要求我们首先由有执照的医生对你的残疾进行评估 professional, so we cannot accept an IEP as documentation of your disability.

所有住宿请求都将根据具体情况根据文件确定 provided by the student. Reasonable accommodations may include academic modifications, housing adaptations, assistive technology and/or auxiliary services. 住宿 从根本上改变了课程作业的性质或所分配的材料,或者是 unduly burdensome financially or administratively, will not be provided. 教员/员工 应该只提供无障碍资源中心批准的住宿吗. 学生应将住宿方面的问题提请教员注意 提供住宿和/或无障碍资源中心的会员 工作人员.

Not necessarily. High-学校 special education programs are required by law to provide whatever service or accommodation a student needs to be successful. Federal law has different requirements for universities. Universities are required by law to provide equal access to education through programs and facilities. We provide this access by using accommodations, not necessarily by providing services or extra help. 访问 is provided through reasonable and appropriate accommodations.

无障碍资源中心确实为有残疾的学生提供住宿 temporary disabilities -- e.g., a broken arm or leg, recent surgery, etc. 这些学生 是否需要向无障碍资源中心自我披露 to provide documentation of the disability according to our usual guidelines. ( 例如,医疗服务提供者将需要填写并提交残疾证明 Form.) Upon receipt of proper documentation, the Center for 可访问性 资源 will work to arrange any necessary accommodations.

是的. 学生必须通知无障碍资源中心任何住宿 needs each semester. Once a student has an accommodation letter, it is his/her responsibility 通知无障碍资源中心他们的时间表的任何变化. 住宿不溯及既往,从学生提供住宿开始 letter to their instructor.

文件的目的是验证诊断出的残疾确实存在,并且 has been recorded as such. Good documentation will also provide enough information 支持无障碍资源中心主任决定公平 and reasonable accommodations. A doctor or psychologist may even offer recommended accommodations. Recommendations provided by medical personnel to the Center for 可访问性 资源可以帮助确定住宿,但建议是 在自动授予住宿的程度上不具有约束力. 的 无障碍资源中心将使用所有收集到的信息来做出决定 appropriate to the student, the specific situation, and other guidelines.

一个学生在进入一个学期后就被诊断出患有残疾,这并不罕见 或者在大学毕业后,因为高等教育的环境是如此的不同 from previous academic experiences. In this situation, you will need to follow the 从一开始就和一个已知有残疾的学生一样 of the semester. Refer to the question: "I have a documented disability. 我该怎么办? do?"

是的,SXU为行动不便的学生制定了紧急疏散计划. 在你自我披露之后,无障碍资源中心将讨论准备工作 把你加入行动不便的保密名单,以确保 that, in case of evacuation, emergency personnel are aware of your location. 我们将 还要确保你经常见到的教官和工作人员都知道圣 Xavier's Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures.