

以下公告提供了从华人博彩论坛稿和其他公共信息中收集的信息 notices about current public health concerns.


请参阅我们的 冠状病毒(COVID-19)网页 的更新.


疾病预防控制中心,食品药品监督管理局和当地卫生部门正在调查多州爆发的疫情 of lung injury associated with using e-cigarette products. 截至2020年2月4日,已有2758例与使用大麻有关的肺损伤病例 电子烟 reported to the CDC from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 2 U.S. 领土. 64 deaths have been confirmed in 28 states and the District of Columbia.

All patients who have been affected have reported using e-cigarette products. Most patients report using THC-containing products. 大约80%的患者处于 35岁.


截至2020年2月11日,维生素E醋酸酯与EVALI疫情密切相关. FDA和国家实验室检测的产品样品中发现了维生素E醋酸酯 and in patient lung samples tested by the CDC. 维生素E醋酸酯没有被发现 in the lung fluid of people who do not have EVALI. 然而,证据并不充分 排除其他化学品的贡献,包括化学品 四氢大麻酚或非四氢大麻酚产品.


  • Consider refraining from using 电子烟, particularly those containing THC.
  • Vitamin E acetate should not be added to any e-cigarette, or vaping, products. 此外, 人们不应该在产品中添加任何其他非制造商指定的物质.
  • 如果你是一个使用含有尼古丁的电子烟戒烟的成年人, 不回去吸烟吗. If you continue to use 电子烟, carefully 监测自己的症状(见下文),并立即就医 if you have symptoms like those reported in this outbreak.
  • 如果你使用电子烟产品,你不应该在街上买这些产品 不应该修改或添加任何物质,这些产品不是有意的 制造商.
  • 如果你最近使用过电子烟或电子烟产品,并且你有以下症状 those reported in the outbreak (see below), see a healthcare provider. 你也可以 call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.


  • Patients in this investigation have reported symptoms such as:
    • cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain
    • 恶心、呕吐或腹泻
    • 疲劳、发烧或腹痛
  • 一些患者报告说,他们的症状在几天内出现,而另一些患者则在几天内出现 have reported that their symptoms developed over several weeks. 肺部感染 似乎不是引起症状的原因.


2019年1月1日至12月31日, 1282例麻疹个案 在31个州得到确认. This is the largest number of cases reported in the U.S. 自1992年以来. Most of the people infected were unvaccinated. 有过这样的案例 但目前没有麻疹爆发(定义为麻疹) as 3 or more cases) ongoing in Illinois (as of September 26, 2019).

在美国有许多病例.S. have been the result of exposure during international travel. 美国最喜欢的三个国家.S. travelers have become infected with measles so far in 2019 are the Philippines, Ukraine, and Israel.


麻疹是一种病毒,当感染者呼吸时通过空气传播, 咳嗽或打喷嚏. 它具有极强的传染性. 一个人可能只是偶然感染麻疹 在麻疹患者待过的房间里呆上两个小时 消失了. Almost everyone who has not had the MMR vaccine will get measles if they 是否接触过麻疹病毒.

麻疹的典型症状是发高烧、咳嗽、流鼻涕和眼睛发红流泪. 症状开始后的两到三天,可能会出现微小的白色斑点(柯氏斑) 口腔内. Three to five days after symptoms begin, a rash breaks out. 它通常 发际线上开始出现扁平的红点,然后向下扩散 脖子,躯干,手臂,腿和脚. When the rash appears, a person's fever may spike up to more than 104 degrees Fahrenheit. 麻疹的严重并发症包括 永久性听力丧失、肺炎、脑炎(脑肿胀)和死亡.


预防麻疹的最佳方法是接种MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)疫苗。 疫苗:

  • 大多数人在儿童时期接种这些疫苗,通常在12-15个月时接种一剂 of age and then one dose before kindergarten (4-6 years old).
  • 6-11个月大的婴儿如果要出国旅行,应该收到 旅行前接种一剂MMR疫苗. They should then repeat the first dose after the age 12个月.
  • One dose of the MMR vaccine is considered sufficient for most U.S. 年出生的成年人 1957年以后. If you are unsure of your vaccination status please discuss getting an MMR vaccine with your healthcare provider.
  • 某些成年人被认为是高危人群,需要分别接种两剂MMR疫苗 至少28天. 这些成年人包括:
    • Students at post-high school educational institutions
    • 医疗保健人员
    • 国际旅行者

有关更多信息,请参阅 Center for Disease Control and 预防's website.


  1. 丙型肝炎 is a type of virus that can damage the liver. 它是最常见的慢性血友病 在美国,通过血液和体液传播的传染病影响了估计的人口 300万人.
  2. 对一些人来说,丙型肝炎是一种短期疾病,但对70-85%的人来说 become infected with 丙型肝炎, it becomes a long-term, chronic infection. 它是 the leading cause of liver transplants and liver cancer. 目前还没有疫苗 针对丙型肝炎.
  3. 多达50%的慢性丙型肝炎患者没有表现出外部症状,也没有表现出来 知道他们被感染了. This is why screening is important for high-risk populations.
  4. 当出现症状时,可能包括:
    • 发热
    • 乏力
    • 尿色深
    • 灰土色大凳子
    • 腹部疼痛
    • 食欲不振
    • 恶心想吐
    • 呕吐
    • 关节疼痛
    • 黄疸(皮肤和眼睛变黄)


  1. 据估计,75%的慢性丙型肝炎患者出生于1945-1965年. Therefore, anyone born during this time period should get screened.
  2. Others who possess certain risk factors should also be screened:

    • Current or former injection and intranasal drug users.
    • Those who received clotting factor concentrates made before 1987.
    • 1992年7月以前接受输血或实体器官移植者.
    • 慢性血液透析患者.
    • People with known exposures to HCV, such as:
      • 健康 care workers after needle sticks involving HCV-positive blood
      • Recipients of blood or organs from a donor who tested HCV-positive
      • 任何感染艾滋病毒的人
      • Anyone with unexplained persistently high ALT levels (liver enzymes)
    • 被监禁的人
    • 不受管制纹身的人


  1. 测试 针对丙型肝炎 is a simple blood test. 这可以在SXU健康中心完成 Center or at your medical provider's office.
  2. 如果血液测试呈阳性,就会被转介到肝脏专家那里进一步检查 治疗. Prompt referral is vital 针对丙型肝炎 patients because early 治疗 has been shown to be more effective at early-stage disease.


疾控中心和 IDPH 是否警告目前爆发的凝血功能障碍(从2018年3月开始) (difficulty clotting the blood) from exposure to synthetic cannabinoid products. The 与此次疫情有关的合成大麻素产品尤其危险 因为它们含有溴灭菌,一种用作老鼠药的化学物质,会导致无法控制 出血.

伊利诺伊州公共部门于2018年3月发现了此次疫情 健康. This is now a multi-state outbreak with 202 reported cases, including 5 deaths. Illinois currently has the most cases reported (164 cases and 4 deaths).


  1. Per the CDC, synthetic 大麻类 are not one drug. 数百种不同的合成 大麻素化学物质被制造和销售,新的化学物质具有未知的健康风险 每年都可用. 这些化学物质叫做 大麻类 因为它们与四氢大麻酚(THC)作用于相同的脑细胞受体 main active ingredient in marijuana; however, synthetic 大麻类 may affect the brain in different and unpredictable ways compared to marijuana.
  2. 合成大麻类 are used in a variety of ways including:
    • Sprayed onto plant material and then smoked
    • Used in electronic nicotine delivery devices (such as 电子烟)
    • Ingested when added to herbal tea or food.


  1. 疾控中心建议不要使用合成大麻素,因为这是不可能的 确切地知道产品中有什么化学物质,你接触了多少 to, and how your body will react to the chemicals. 这在现在尤为重要 考虑到大麻素中含有溴代菌导致的失控出血.
  2. 那些在过去三个月里使用过合成大麻素并对此感到担忧的人 about their health should contact their healthcare provider. 合成大麻类 用户如出现任何不寻常的瘀伤或出血,应立即就医.


疾病控制中心的 旅游健康须知 旨在向旅行者和临床医生通报当前相关的健康问题 去特定的目的地. These issues may arise from disease outbreaks, special events 或者聚会、自然灾害或其他可能影响旅行者健康的情况. Be sure to check your destination before you travel.


  1. 级别1(观察):通常的基线风险或略高于目的地的基线风险 对旅行者的影响有限. Reminder to follow usual health precautions.
  2. 2级(警报):在定义的环境中风险增加或与特定风险相关 factors; certain high-risk populations may wish to delay travel to these destinations. 遵循加强的预防措施.
  3. Level 3 (Warning): High risk to travelers. 避免所有不必要的旅行 area.


The U.S. 国务院提供 旅游报告 为世界上的每一个国家. Each country is assigned a level of travel advisory, with additional information given on the country-specific page. 每个旅行者都是 encouraged to check their destination before traveling, as well as enrolling in STEP(智能旅行者登记计划) 在最近的美国学校登记他们的旅行.S. 大使馆或领事馆.

There are four levels of travel advisories:

  1. 锻炼正常的预防措施
  2. 运动增加预防措施
  3. 考虑旅游
  4. 不要旅行


  1. 寨卡是一种由寨卡病毒引起的感染,寨卡病毒主要由某些人传播 蚊子的种类. It can also be spread through unprotected 性接触.
  2. 2018年,美国未报告本地蚊媒寨卡病毒传播 美国大陆. 寨卡病毒仍然是一个国际威胁. 请参阅 疾病预防控制中心 寨卡病毒旅游资讯 获取最新信息.
  3. The best way to prevent the spread of Zika is to 防止蚊虫叮咬. Wear insect repellent, wear long sleeves and pants and stay inside.
  4. Many people who get Zika do not have any symptoms or very mild symptoms. 这些症状 可能包括:发热、皮疹、关节痛、结膜炎(红眼)、肌肉痛和 头疼.
  5. The CDC has issued specific advice for pregnant women and Zika. 寨卡病毒与 对严重的先天缺陷,如 头小畸型 (babies born with small heads and brains). 如果你怀孕了或即将怀孕,不建议你去旅行 to areas where Zika has been transmitted. If you are pregnant and have a partner who 居住在或去过寨卡疫区,期间没有采取无保护措施的性行为 your pregnancy as the virus can be spread through 性接触. 如果你怀孕了或者正在考虑怀孕,讨论一下你所有的旅行 与你的妇产科医生或助产士制定计划.

看到 Center for Disease Control and 预防's website 了解更多信息.