


There are two types of medical 学校 in United States: Doctor of Medicine, MD-Schools; 以及DO-Schools的骨科医学博士. 两米.D.s和D.O.S是完全授权的 to diagnose, treat, prescribe medications, and perform surgery in all 50 states and 哥伦比亚特区. 尽管这两种类型的医生都接受过诊断培训, treating illnesses and disorders, their approach to the illness 和治疗 is different. M.D.i’我们运用对抗疗法来诊断和治疗人类疾病.O.s take a more holistic approach -seeing the patient as a "whole person" to reach a diagnosis 和治疗. 今天,超过20%的美国人.S. 医科学生正在学习 在骨科医学院. 所有医学预科生都应该接受教育,这很重要 关于这两个项目.

Students typically attend medical school after completing a baccalaureate degree; most medical 学校 require a baccalaureate degree as part of their admissions requirements. M.D./D.O. 课程为期四年,学生在医学院学习三年或三年 住院医师实习年限(专科临床培训).


College coursework plays a major role in preparation and readiness for medical school. 没有医学院对申请者有特定的专业要求. 你应该选择一个 major based on your interests rather than one that you think looks good to medical 学校. Choose a major that you are passionate about, whether it is a major in Liberal 艺术、商业或科学. 医学院接受兴趣广泛的学生 在他们的学术课程中通过非科学专业学习. 但前提条件是 无论主修什么专业,都应该完成医学院的学业. 通常是优势 理科专业的好处在于它涵盖了医学预科的先决条件. 如果你感兴趣的话 by science and are good at it, choose science major, but don't pick science because 你觉得上医学院是你的优势吗.

华人博彩论坛 to medical school is very competitive and depends on three important factors: (1)平均绩点,(2)MCAT成绩,(3)临床经验. 你的学术 preparation controls the first two factors but your volunteer/job experience in the 医疗领域满足第三个因素. 这三个方面都非常重要.

Competition 对华人博彩论坛 to medical school is keen, and admissions committees are 能够从众多有才华的学生中进行选择. 平均累积绩点 2014年进入对抗疗法医学院的学生是3人.在整骨疗法中 医学院是3.51,科学平均值是3.39. 学生的学业 records fall well below the averages are unlikely to be accepted to medical school.


  • 一年的生物和实验室
  • 在实验室学习一年的普通化学
  • 一年的实验室有机化学
  • 一年的物理和实验室
  • 一年英语课程

It is always recommended that you check with medical 学校 to which you are applying 因为每个学校的要求都不一样.

The Medical College 华人博彩论坛 Test (MCAT) is a standardized, computer-based exam and 是两种对抗疗法(M.D.)和整骨疗法(D.O.)项目. MCAT scores help admissions officers identify and select 学生 that are likely 在医学院取得成功. 有关新MCAT的完整和最新信息 考试(2015)可在网上查询 美国医学院协会的网页 学生在参加MCAT考试之前阅读这部分是至关重要的.

MCAT考试分为四个部分. 生命的生物学和生物化学基础 systems; chemical and physical foundations of biological systems; psychological, social and biological foundations of behavior; and critical analysis and reasoning skills. Each individual section will have a score ranging from 118 to 132 with a midpoint of 125. 总分是综合各部分分数得出的,范围从472- 528. 中点是500. 许多学校仍然接受早期的MCAT成绩 在过去三年内. MCAT考试时长7小时30分钟,内容包括 完成人口统计等的时间. (实际测试时间为6小时15分钟). Most 学生 take the MCAT exam during the spring of the junior year or during the 三年级和四年级之间的暑假.

Important non-academic factors include good moral character, excellent interpersonal skills, a deep commitment to health care, evidence of leadership potential and service 给别人. 成功的申请者很可能在医疗机构做过志愿者或工作 care setting with patient contact, job shadowed a physician, participated in organizations that serve others, taken advantage of leadership opportunities and learned how to 独立进行研究和工作.

在校期间尽可能多地参与并获得经验. 在校园里你 can be a tutor, mentor, and/or take a leadership position for the student organization. Volunteering experience in the community will be looked upon favorably by professional 学校招生委员会. 如果你的一些志愿工作是在医疗机构, 你可以把志愿活动和实地接触结合起来. 跟踪是很重要的 your volunteer hours, as most professional school applications will ask for details 你做志愿者的时间. 把你的志愿者导师记录下来, 包括姓名和头衔.

Most allopathic medical 学校 accept applications through a centralized, online 美国医学院申请服务(AMCAS) (www.对象为.org/学生). Applications for osteopathic medical 学校 are accepted through the American Association of Colleges of 整骨疗法的医学 Application Service (AACOMAS) (www.aacom.org). Applications should be submitted in the year proceeding the year for which a student 正在寻求录取. 由于许多医学院实行滚动招生,所以它很流行 学生最好尽早申请(6月1日之后).

The 早期的决定 Program (EDP) is available at participating medical 学校, for 两米.D. 和D.O. 项目. 有兴趣通过电子数据处理申请医学专业的申请人 学校 should consult the website and medical school admissions office for availability 还有更具体的信息. EDP通常比常规录取更具选择性, with applicants needing very strong academic and non-academic profiles to be competitive.

Many medical 学校 seek to recruit a diverse class of 学生, including 学生 来自医学界代表性不足的群体. AAMC特别鼓励非洲裔美国人, Latino/a, and Native American 学生, as these populations make up 25 percent of 人口,但只有12%的医学院毕业生. 学生们可能会发现 资讯及支援网址: www.aspiringdocs.org. Students may also contact their pre-medical advisors and individual medical 学校 了解更多信息.

Applicants typically obtain letters from science faculty members, faculty members from the applicant's major department, pre-medical advisors, research supervisors, 志愿者协调员等. 许多学校要求三封信函:两封学术信函和两封 学生的选择之一. 至少有一封学术信应该来自一个 理科教员,其中一名应来自学生的主修系. 一些 医学院需要两封理学院的信. 学生申请整骨疗法 medical 学校 could submit up to six letters but one letter has to be from a D.O.

You can also get a committee letter from the Pre-Health Professional Committee, which 会把你的两封或多封信合并成一封吗. 这让你有 more letters speaking on your behalf, because you can submit your committee letter 再加上两封其他评估人的信. 并不是所有的学校都会接受委员会的信, so make sure that you read the specific guidelines for each school you are applying.

医学院通常要求个人的校内面试. 被邀请参加 面试对候选人来说是一项重要的成就. 这通常需要一天的时间 tour and an interview by at least two people: the first by someone from the admissions 第二种通常是执业医师. 通常,第三次面试已经完成 是学校的一名医学生干的. 候选人将接受迷你多次面试(MMI) 而不是在某些学校进行一对一的个人面试. 面试因不同而不同 school; applicants should check with the 学校 to which they have applied for the 面试时间和具体信息.

The AMCAS application asks applicants whether they have a record of felonies or misdemeanors, 这些信息随后被传达给医学院. 学生应该 make careful decisions throughout their undergraduate years, since charges for drug and/or alcohol use or possession, as well as other charges can have negative consequences 对华人博彩论坛. 许多医学院对所有被录取的学生进行犯罪背景调查 学生. 被发现在申请中不诚实的学生将不被录取.

Only citizens or permanent residents of the United States are eligible 对华人博彩论坛 to the most Colleges of Medicine, with the exception of candidates with asylum status. 很少。.S. 医学院招收非公民. 既然可能性很大, non-citizen 学生 should thoroughly research and carefully consider such a decision and discuss it with their pre-medical advisors early in their undergraduate years.

