
B.A. 国际研究


As an International Studies major, you can explore the world outside the United States 从不同的角度来看. Giving you tools from anthropology, politics, literature 和 history, International Studies guides you in investigating how different cultures, societies 和 peoples exist 和 interact.

Explore how our current world came to be, how different cultures organize their societies, 和 how state interactions affect our daily lives. 培养跨文化意识 和 find solutions to the global problems we face, such as refugee relief, economic 危机和气候变化.


Learn what it takes to make your impact on an international level. 让它发生, with SXU as your guide 和 lifelong support. For more information, please review the 项目要求课程描述SXU学术目录.

  • 全球意识: Develop a nuanced perspective of your place 在 world, cultural interactions, 和 how global problems should be addressed. Identify 和 assess basic social issues, politics 和 culture of one geographic region of the world.
  • 国际及国内关系: Learn about different cultures, societies 和 global issues 从不同的角度来看, using various historical, cultural 和 social scientific approaches to underst和 how international relations affect domestic relations.
  • 批判性思维: Learn how to question arguments, challenge assumptions 和 evaluate evidence, 和 enhance your own skills at constructing sound arguments.
  • 交流: Formulate 和 defend a thesis, both in writing 和 presentation, with confidence in 你的研究和沟通能力.
  • 解决问题: Become a better problem-solver as you articulate your research question 和 implement a research program using your custom design 和 appropriate methodologies.
  • 领导: Develop skills to resolve conflicts 和 enhance cooperation in working with others, 课内课外都一样.
  • 经验: You will have opportunities to apply what you learn in internships, foreign study, simulations 和 independent research, demonstrating the experience employers seek.
  • 专业: Your experiences 和 learning will prepare you to interact confidently with others in local 和 global professional organizations.


At SXU, you can experience the world in a new, enriching way! 花一个学期学习 abroad, immersing yourself 在 culture 和 customs of your chosen destination. 最近的学生就读于:

  • 法国巴黎
  • 荷兰阿姆斯特丹
  • 首尔,韩国
  • 秘鲁利马
  • 中国上海

参观 国际教育中心 for more information about studying abroad.

Pursue innovative internships around the U.S.

Each semester, you will have the opportunity to 华盛顿实习生.C. 与以下组织合作:

  • 总检察长办公室
  • S. 教育部
  • 美国青年服务处
  • Poverty 和 Race Research Action Council

You may also be interested in an internship in Chicago, as recent students have worked with State Representative Robert Rita, Chicago Police Department, US Senator Tammy 达克沃斯和几家当地律师事务所.

Political Communication 和 Advocacy Major


Want to know more about undergraduate programs at 华人博彩论坛? 请 填满 拿出下面的表格!




视图 a suggested four-year academic plan to complete your degree in four years!




机会Cutrano机会Cutrano, 2015届校友
Title: Director of Special Projects 和 Strategic Initiatives
SXU Major: Political Science, Class of 2015

How has SXU political science helped prepare you for your career/job/life?

The SXU Political Science program provided me with the frameworks 和 the environment to enhance my critical thinking, public speaking 和 empathic listening skills. 这些 skills are highly valued 在 job market as well as the public arena, where we are able to apply our training as civic leaders.

Moreover, the Political Science professors seamlessly integrated multiple academic disciplines into lectures 和 classwork. This interdisciplinary approach has greatly benefited me 在 workplace, where I must strategically manage a variety of economic, environmental 和 political assignments.

Studying qualitative 和 quantitative research methods in my political science classes at SXU has also prepared me for advanced educational pursuits; I am currently pursuing my Master of Public Administration degree in Sustainable Management. 最重要的是, I have a significant edge in all my political arguments with friends 和 family on 脸谱网.

What aspects of SXU were specifically helpful?

While SXU's Political Science program provided me with the tools to make effective change 在 workplace 和 in my community, their partnership with the Washington 华盛顿实习学院.C. gave me space 和 time to apply all of the 我在SXU学到的知识. The successful experience I had while interning in D.C. is a testament of the quality of education imparted by SXU's Political Science department.

What did you like about 华人博彩论坛?
SXU isn't a big institution where you get lost 在 crowd. 在SXU,尤其是 在 Political Science program, I found a tight-knit, diverse community of passionate individuals constructively working to provide me with new ways to look at the world 以及我在其中的角色. There are plenty of opportunities to learn, to lead 和 to make 一生的友谊.