


Digital Marketing is about the process of engaging with individuals to facilitate 一个交换. 这种交流包含了各种有价值的成果. 消费者可能 look to brands to provide quality products 或服务 that meet their expectations. Or 消费者可能 look to brands to provide a community to connect with others or provide 协助解决当前的社会问题. 如今,品牌被视为一种延伸 个体的社会自我.

Through an undergraduate degree in digital marketing students will gain the skills necessary to meet the requirements of a career that encompasses many different job 标题. 数字营销领域包括与社交媒体营销相关的领域, email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, marketing analytics, search 引擎营销/优化等.


数字营销是一个十亿美元的产业 70%的广告投资 转向网络平台. 每个公司或大或小都可以利用在线资源 推广他们的产品,为客户创造价值. 根据统计局 of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for a Marketing Specialist is above $80,000. Individuals starting can expect to make around $63,000 with higher-end professionals 收入接近15万美元. 如前所述,目前的工作角色包括数字营销 specialist, SEO strategist, social media marketer, content marketing manager, email 参与专家和市场研究分析师. 这个领域是不断变化的 随着技术和消费者偏好的进步而不断更新. 因此, students interested in this 场 need to embrace the flexibility and change afforded 通过数字营销的职业生涯. 通过数字营销学士学位, students can make an impact on society through the brands and organizations that utilize 这些类型的交流.





的 Bachelor of Business Administration in Digital Marketing program is designed to prepare you to be responsible and effective business executives in a diverse and changing 全球化的社会. 更具体地说,你将学习使用数字营销策略 媒体:

  • 开发新产品.
  • 为现有品牌创造价值.
  • 管理数字营销渠道.
  • 管理社交媒体平台.
  • 优化付费搜索和自然搜索.
  • 衡量和分析数字和社交媒体活动.
  • 在网络环境中利用广告和公共关系.
  • 实践道德和负责任的营销策略.

Students in the Digital Marketing program will have the opportunity to gain valuable 真实的经历. 如何? 通过基于客户的课堂项目,数字营销 竞赛、模拟、认证和案例研究. 在各种课程(MKTG) MKTG 355, MKTG 380, & MKTG 361)的学生将与现实世界的客户一起工作 制定营销策略,参与竞争 数字营销竞争参与;参与 数字营销模拟,并获得宝贵的课程认证(通过谷歌) & HubSpot的). 所有作业 在我们的数字营销计划中,是为了培养职业准备技能而量身定制的吗.


的 curriculum committee is constantly reviewing and updating our program to enhance 学生体验. 课程委员会负责确保数字化营销 program’s quality, relevance to the 场, and alignment with the SXU academic mission 以及行业标准. 例如,许多基于客户端的项目需要本地的 小型企业或非营利组织. 这是故意设计为服务 非营利组织和小企业是SXU慈善使命的核心价值观. 此外, we have designed courses that cover essential topics in digital marketing like e-commerce, website design, search engine optimization, social media marketing, content marketing, 数据分析和数字媒体战略. 课程委员会也定义 clear learning objectives for each course that are tied to specific assessments to 证明数字营销计划的目标正在实现. 最后是课程设置 committee establishes the structure of the program including core courses, electives, 相关的辅修/专业,以及任何顶点项目或实习.










我们努力让学生超越书本学习和死记硬背. 意义 我们专注于通过现实生活中的学习经验在实践中学习. 我们将 website design software/platforms, data analytics software, and various simulations. 的 client-based projects offer intensive work for a real client with real problems. 的 marketing simulations afford individuals the ability to engage in landing page optimization, develop search and shopping ads, and even conduct keyword planning and 研究. 学生还将有机会与行业专业人士会面 as we strive to bring in guest speakers from various marketing and analytics agencies. Finally, students will have the opportunity to gain valuable certifications through 像谷歌、HubSpot和LinkedIn这样的组织.

  • Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate business findings 或者书面形式的解决方案.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to communicate business findings 在口头或视觉交流中.
  • Students will learn to apply an ethical framework to their decision-making process.
  • Students will be able to recognize and understand the importance of diversity, equity, 和包容.
  • Students will learn to evaluate the societal impact of organizational activities on 环境和社会可持续性.
  • Students will learn to apply quantitative skills to real-world scenarios to create 业务问题的解决方案.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to perform analyses related to business 使用定量方法和适当的技术工具的问题.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to work effectively with a real-world 客户端通过基于案例的课堂项目.
  • Students will be able demonstrate the ability to 解决问题 via real-world data 或者案例研究.


  • 的 digital marketing program at SXU helps students gain the necessary skills to be 为这个先进领域的各个领域做好了职业准备.
  • Small class sizes allow for close interaction with your professors and student colleagues.
  • You will develop the habit of employing cognitive decision-making to strategically 解决问题.
  • You will develop the habit of life-long learning, ready to meet the demands of a challenging 场.
  • 华人博彩论坛’s core values of service, integrity, and excellence, critically important in digital marketing, support your development as an asset to your employer 和社区.

SXU’s accelerated BBA+MBA Dual Degree program combines a four-year Bachelor of Business Administration and a two-year Master of Business Administration into a five-year program. Students complete 120 credit hours of undergraduate coursework and 30 credit hours 完成双学位的研究生课程 BBA +工商管理硕士学位. 学生最多可以修12个学分的MBA课程 大四期间的本科课程.

鼓励学生在大三申请4+1项目. 验收后, students may register for courses at the graduate level with permission from the director 他是格雷厄姆管理学院的院长,也是MBA项目的负责人. 工商管理学士学位 在成功完成所有本科要求后授予. MBA 在成功完成毕业要求后授予学位.

欲了解更多信息,请与GSM主任联系 ghoshFREESXU 安排一个约会.


几乎每个行业都需要有 艺术与设计未成年人 奖励利基角色. 从事艺术和设计工作的人会运用他们的创造力 沟通客户信息的技巧. 艺术和设计部门可以相当 competitive, with technical skills increasingly important for many art and design 工作.


Digital Marketing students interested in pursuing careers in marketing 研究 are 鼓励获得 心理学小. Market 研究 analysts 研究 and gather data to help a company market its products 或服务. 他们收集有关消费者人口统计、偏好、需求和购买的数据 习惯. 的y collect data and information using a variety of methods, such as interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, market analysis surveys, public opinion polls, and literature 评论. 分析师通过研究来帮助确定公司在市场中的地位 他们的竞争对手,分析他们的价格,销售和营销方法.


All business executives will have to write, whether it is a formal report, a memo, 甚至是一封电子邮件. 的 写小 provides necessary communication skills that business professionals will use on a 每天.










想了解更多关于华人博彩论坛的研究生课程吗? 请填 拿出下面的表格!





Earn your general BBA degree or choose one of the eight other majors within the Bachelor 工商管理专业. 在四年或短短三年内完成.






Joy encourages current students to maintain a portfolio while they are students to 帮助他们在申请工作时展示自己的技能.